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Inspiration For Looking at Life at the Start of The New Year

By mind body spirit No Comments

What is the greatest thing you can give to another person in your life?  Do you know, is it likely to be something different for all of us?  Well this is my personal feeling.

The one thing you can give is TIME, it is something you cannot get back, change or make go away. It is precious, a great gift for us in this life it moves and it takes us along with it, and the end of each day is like a tomb closing never to be experienced again.

Make time for “You” this new year, say “I “am going to value me, I will make myself important and how I give back to myself is very key to my life.

Life today is rushing and multi tasking and during this time we forget that we are who we are, we become an extension of the hustle and bustle of daily life, we work, exercise, so much multi tasking….So then what about 2013?  It is a year to be Kind to YOU.

I guess I am saying manage your time well. You may think it is crazy, but let me explain, if you’re going on holiday you need, a checklist, clothes, tickets, money, your house needs to be locked up, you need to organise transport as well don’t you?

So why can’t you do the same with time? For you, plan each week or month whatever you wish to do, what is best for you.  Allow some time for YOU

It is valuable and do you know what it will do – it will EMPOWER YOU….give some healing to your hectic life.  If you need help or would like to know more, please leave a comment below, use my contact page.


A Personal Note On Loss Through Relationships – I Know You Will Come Through It

By Relationship Counselling No Comments

A new year begins, and many of us make our New Year resolutions, and look forward to what the year brings with anticipation and optimism.  But while one side of life does that, another set of people live in a permanent darkness. Not the night but a darkness within their being, their soul. For many they struggle with loss.   Loss affects all of us in some way, and dealing with loss is very hard and cannot be measured.

In relationships, if  a person is divorcing, or if someone close to you has died you feel lost, alone, hopeless, you can be depressed, you may even feel that this has not happened to you, as though you’re watching it going on and just acting a part but it is not real. This is the body and mind protecting you from the whole trauma.

Let me explain, (this is my personal analogy) let us imagine, a big picture on the wall, it is your life your situation and something that is affecting you. You are in the middle of the photo, but your mind body and spirit is overwhelmed with great pain, but your mind is so clever and so is mother nature, she makes you feel that you’re not in this picture but rather you are watching it. You only see the small picture not the whole of it.

In this way you can cope better, and slowly over time we are able to look at more of our life (the bigger picture) as and when the healing process begins.

At this time of year, in the depths of winter with the holidays behind us it can accentuate the pain of loss in relationships! We all have different coping mechanisms but don’t try and battle this alone.   Join a group, talk about your loss, if  you need medical help get it.

Look at your blessings they will be there. But most of all know that in time mother nature will heal you, slowly but surely the pain will cease and you will leave it all behind you – just as a bird sheds its feathers so will you once again soar to great heights.

For more information and inspiration please leave a comment below or use the contact page to get in touch.

Oprah Magazine Features Intuitive Counsellor Susan King

By Media Coverage No Comments

In 1986 Susan King hit her head—hard—in a car accident. The result was more than a concussion. Afterward, when King looked at people, she saw images of events occurring in their lives and had flashes of insight about them. With uncanny knowledge of their situations, she has been able to advise clients on everything from job searches to divorce proceedings. King refers to her work as intuitive counseling, and though her vocation may seem rarefied, she believes that intuitive power is available to everyone. “To me it’s our body’s radar, helping us make all sorts of decisions—if only we’re willing to pay attention.”